I have a tendency toward very vivid dreams. They can be random, several unrelated dreams happening in a single night, or sometimes serial in nature. More than once, I've gone to bed only to pick up from about where my dream had left off the night before. Sometimes I dream the same dream over again, but know that I'd already been through whatever was happening. It can lead to some stressful nights, even when the dream isn't particularly bad. I've been chased by nameless shadows, breathed under water, run from vampires and even zombies created by mind-controlling cereal. Last night I had three particularly memorable dreams, I can't remember their exact order, but I do remember having them, which doesn't always happen.
One dream was very short, and involved me seeing a play with a couple of friends. I don't remember what it was about, but it was definitely a musical, and I'm pretty sure there were some fabulous drag queens involved. I didn't get to see much of the show, my one friend pulled me out to a vending machine and at one point and we were having some difficulty getting back through the huge metal and glass doors.
Another dream, a bit longer and more bizarre, started out as a pretty standard school dream. I was getting settled into a dorm room for a new semester, I'm fairly certain my old college roommate was there, but we also shared the room with a couple of other girls I didn't know. I'm not sure why, but at some point something shifted. I felt it shift, like some sort of warped energy slamming into me and making my heart speed up. I remember seeing an odd little black device with a glowing light in the center. I instinctively knew it was something bad, like a mix of an evil spirit and a hyper intelligent computer. I also knew, that my younger brother Cody had done something, summoned or modified it, causing this sudden shift. I was worried, but apparently he was staying in the same building as I was, so I found him quickly.
When I got there Cody was...nothing like himself, really. He had a completely different face and body and was balding on top with only stubble on the sides and back of his head. I'm pretty sure his voice was different too, and I was afraid that he wouldn't know who I was, or worse, know and not care. I was relieved to find him happy enough to see me, giving me an eager hug and answering amiably when I asked if he was all right. Whatever he had done to himself had apparently made him incredibly intelligent and maybe even magical, I'm not sure. I think he had some sort of plan or experiment cooking, but I didn't get much farther than that before I woke up, or the dream changed.
The last dream I had, I actually remember as being the one that happened right before I woke up for the day. I was at Hogwarts, and part of a small group that had been entrusted with some very important keys. Of course, we couldn't resist trying a few out, and exploring. I don't remember much of that, but I do remember leaving one door, and going to lock it only to discover that I didn't actually have the key, and the woman who did was somewhere out of reach. This would have been fine if the door hadn't been keeping some unspeakable, dangerous horror locked up. I ran to find the staff, any competent adult who could help me. They were having some sort of staff party and mostly useless until the horror finally materialized. It appeared as...a host of these odd rat spirits. We fought them off, and suddenly I was a werewolf, I think? I'd changed into something more lupine than human and was fighting with my teeth, snapping them out of existence. I have to admit that I woke up a little confused.
I can't decide if I would prefer that these weird vivid dreams were longer, and better story fodder, or if I just didn't remember them at all. I think I sleep better when I don't remember my dreams, but some of them do have potential to become something complex and interesting with the right guidance and editing. I guess it doesn't matter, really. I'm going to continue having them no matter what my preference is. I guess all I can do is choose to ignore them or write them down.
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