Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hello, Internet!

So...this is my latest attempt at creating something interesting online for other people to see. I'm not sure how this will work, but it's worth a shot. If anyone knows this guy then you probably know a little bit about me. Ivan and I are getting married in October, and currently live together in a nice little house with a handful of crazy animals, which he's touched on once or twice in his blog. I'm not going to lie, I'm sort of copying him a little bit, but he seemed to be having so much fun with his own blog, that I wanted to give it a try. At the very least, it'll be somewhere to put photos with random comments and things that isn't Facebook. I try to avoid using that particular social media whenever I can. I've never liked it much.

I stole the term headspace from Kevin Hearne, author of the Iron Druid Chronicles. The main character of these books, Atticus is a Druid (yes, what a shock!) and in order to work his magic properly, he memorizes large bodies of work such as Shakespeare's collective plays, and in doing so creates a sort of sectioned off space in his head separate from the rest. Actually, now that I think about it, there's a similar concept in The Name of the Wind, another good book series. Now...I am not nearly as smart or dedicated as Atticus, and while I would love to be able to whip out random Shakespeare quotes whenever I like, I am far too lazy to actually memorize anything. I thought this blog might be able to serve a similar purpose, a place for me to record thoughts, pictures, events, and maybe the occasional blurb of writing and unclog my head a bit. If I can make something interesting that people enjoy reading, even better, but I'm going to keep my standards low for now. 

Well, that's all I have to say for now. I have a sleepy dog on my lap and I want to enjoy it a little before game night tonight. 

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