I slept in this morning, completely on accident. Somehow I'd set my alarm for tomorrow, instead of today and woke up at 8, which was when I was supposed to be at the vet office. I got there half an hour late, and thankfully, the staff was cool about it. East River Vet has always been good to us like that, considering it is a struggle to get Ivan out of the house on time most nights, or I have a brain fart, and estimate how much time we need to get there incorrectly. Anyway, that was stressful in itself, but because I was late, I was also rushing, and in my haste, clipped a car with my right mirror on my way off of Akron. Turning left on there always gives me problems. The lady was understandably angry, but I did apologize, and she wasn't hurt or anything, so it definitely could have been worse. Half-awake, cursing myself and fried from Buttercup keeping me out all night, it was a rough morning. Of course, I knew Buttercup was going to have a much tougher time.
The last time I took Buttercup to get her teeth done was interesting. Originally, her doctor was only going to clean them, and didn't think an extraction would be needed. When they put her under, they discovered that I think, two or three teeth were dead, and had to go. So I gave the OK, and picked her up that night, after her teeth had been pulled and she'd had some time for the anesthesia to wear off. It hadn't completely though, and she wouldn't walk when I got there to take her home. I carried her out, and she cried for the entire ride back, softly, otherwise quiet in the seat next to me. When we got home, she didn't move much, didn't eat or drink much either. I kept her on the bed, where she'd be comfortable and did my best to comfort her. Ivan helped, but she maintained a constant soft whine, probably still in pain and confused. At one point, I did convince her to eat some lactose free ice cream, with a hint of enthusiasm, and that gave me hope. When we woke up the next day, she emerged from under the blankets, looked around, a bit confused, saw me, and went crazy with excitement. I genuinely think that she hadn't realized she was home until that moment, poor thing. She was nearly back to normal after that, though I had to keep her on soft foods and lactose free ice cream for a while (which she thoroughly enjoyed, I might add).
The following was written once Buttercup got home.
Poor baby is drugged up, confused and whining occasionally. She alternated between sleeping and looking up at me, utterly bewildered on the ride home. Five teeth are gone, all four canines, and a loose molar. She'll be on soft food for a week (she's gonna love that) and is currently resting on the bed. Hopefully she recovers quickly with some rest.
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Her tongue is sticking out a bit. I don't think she knows what's going on, but she's OK, which is all that matters. |